Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Vegetable Lumpia

slightly overweight and broken,
i turned to you for comfort
no more appealing than a slice of boring brown,
i took you to my mouth and found
your kiss was like no other

crunchy on the first bite
flavorful when chewed
and hot with passion against my tongue
who would have expected?

so I looked more within
and discovered the colors in you
refreshing greens , pale yellows,
and cheerful oranges
that overwhelmed the blues

our love affair began
and I eagerly walked the many meters to Brutus paradise
all the while thinking perhaps, possibly
you’re the miracle I’ve long waited
the harmless spice in life I’ve craved

salty, sweet, and sour
you shield me
from life’s bitter flavor
your oil, fluidly unassuming,
gives me the gentle warmth I’ve missed

then P25, now P36
you ask, will I ever give you up?
how can I? you are my
comfort, inspiration, lover, and friend
all rolled into one.

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