Friday, June 18, 2004

Not a Reason , a Season, But a Lifetime

To my best bud eril (the henry with an L):

among my vampire friends
who sleep by day, live by night
and think nothing of dates at the stroke of midnight,
you are the one who drives me crazy the most.

you come and you go
for a moment or a spell
and then text me sweet nothings
at 3 AMs as well

you ignore me when you want
confuse me when you can
and makes me laugh when you can't

but you, even though you drive me mad
with your sardonic smile, farts, uncommon sense and all
have your moments, too

and when i doubted the threads of time
began to wonder if you, my friend,
have come for a reason, a season or a lifetime
you floored me when you simply said
yin, to me, you are a lifetime

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