Monday, August 16, 2004

Manila, Manila

Manila went by in a 45-minute blur on my way to Cubao from the airport. Amazingly enough, it didn't rain when the plane landed so I was able to see it in all its complicated and smoggy glory.

Seeing it for the second time is just like switching the cable's channel to Cinema One. First thing you notice from a bird's eye view on the plane is the great maze of big roads, intersections and flyovers. 'Tis a fact I've never seen so many in my life. And yet, there is a sense of structure to it, a sense of balance, and purpose. And then, from the breezy atmosphere of the airport (I love airports!), the slap of a metropolis gone bonkers outside welcome you to the real world.

The taxi took me to the tunnels and that was a first. It was enough for me to conjure images for a murder story. And yet, it was like a scene from an American movie and so, oddly exciting.

The next thing that hits you are the billboards. From the route I was taking, I've got to say Robin Padilla won the battle of the billboard giants, followed closely by Piolo, Mega, and guess who-- Ricky Reyes.

On the road, I saw a cutie yuppie whiz past with a polo hanging on his car's backseat. I can only imagine him listening to the Matchbox 20's "Unwell" as I saw his fingers drumming on the wheel. I was tempted to wave, but then, i figured that would be just too crass. Hehe.

And then, near the terminal, the people swarmed like ants (My God, where on earth did all these people come from?!) , the buses spit their black fumes and it all made me itch to scream "Give me back Cebu!!"

But hey, the adventure's not over yet. Next stop: Tarlac.

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