Sunday, June 14, 2009

Bagging It


A guy friend asked me once why I always carry a big bag around wherever I go. Surprised by the question, I looked at my never-been-washed blue denim bag and started to wonder myself.

I remember buying this particular bag in one of the popular ukay-ukays in Baguio -- not because I liked its style or color but because it was big and necessary. You see, overwhelmed by the abundant low-priced ukay items there, I kinda lost my head at that time and bought more things than I could carry. Since my vanity was offended at the thought of carrying plastic bags in a 6-hour bus trip all the way to Manila, the only practical solution was to buy this bag… plus another one.

Still, I am by no means a bag-a-holic like my sis Maila or good friend Berna. Compared to their gazillion collection, I just have about six in my possession -- the blue denim bag, my petal-shaped office bag, a candy colored knapsack, a purse and a couple of travel bags. And I change bags only, when, and if they've become so obviously tattered with time that they can't hold my plentiful stuff anymore.

I've got to admit though that carrying a bag-- and a big one at that -- has become second nature to me. And while most girls change bags to suit their outfit for the day, I have a tendency to change my outfit just so I can use my favorite bag.

But what's in a bag? Is it true what that Kate Hudson movie scripted: "a woman's purse is her source of power"?

I am not the only one guilty of this peculiar habit. From my circle of friends, I count three who carry even bigger bags than I do. Why?

Amazing multi-tasker Emi does not leave home without her 12 x 18 in. visual board (among other things) since looking at it inspires and refreshes her during hectic days. As an added note, it makes for an interesting coffee table topic.

Online buddy and netizen Dan takes her laptop and gadgets with her shopping, to Neo Neo, Coffee Dream and even to yoga class so she’s connected to the world whenever, wherever.

My gypsy friend Azenith lugs around a bulky knapsack stuffed with an extra set of clothes and toiletries – just in case. As she reasons, who knows whose friends’ house she might end up sleeping in for the night? Cool. Besides, we can always use it as an extra pillow when we gals get together.

As for me, I finally took the moment to unload my bag one lazy Sunday afternoon and rediscovered the many reasons why I succumbed to this obsession. Among them are my makeup kit, my set of My Gel colored pens (there are 10 of them), a Snickers bar, 3 sachets of Hazelnut coffee, Bench hand sanitizer (which Al never fails to call the ultimate girl power every time we eat), my Acer notebook with the complete “Friends” series and my e-book for the moment “The Art of Seduction” by Robert Greene (since I absolutely hate waiting or being stuck somewhere with nothing to do), post-its, Kleenex tissues, panty shields, sanitary pads…

Oops, maybe I just unloaded too much. But then, the list goes on. As I went through each item, I realized I do carry a significant amount of baggage. But given the choice, what would I leave behind to lighten my bag? After some really serious consideration, I finally decided on "Nothing". Well, maybe last month’s payslip and grocery list (what on earth are these still doing in my bag?!) But that’s it.

What the heck, my dainty shoulders can handle them all anyway. Now that's what I call "girl power".

-- SunStar Weekend, 13 June 2009

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